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American Politics 16: After The Ballooning For discussion and debate about anything. (Not a roleplay related forum; out-of-character commentary only.)


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Topic locked 12476 posts • Page 473 of 500 • 1 ... 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476 ... 500 Cannot think of a name Post Czar   Posts: 40792 Founded: Antiquity New York Times Democracy

by Cannot think of a name » Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:16 pm

Restructured Russia wrote:Cannot think of a name wrote:Former senator and alive person Senator Reid had an effective coalition of party members and voters what he was able to use to shape the party.When the democratic socialists broke tradition and showed the fuck up to transition the state party to the DS agenda the former party leaders turned the lights off on the way out the door, at least according to the DSA in their explainer as to why they pulled their support:But apparently, again according to the DSA, the DS contingent in Nevada was all talk and a badge.Their bit ends with a version of what I've been saying. You're not going to get what you want having a snit, you have to out organize. All you really have to do is check in with those that can organize and look for their calls to action like they did in 2021 to elect a full slate of DS party officials. But you're gonna have to get your shit together because you're fighting an entrenched power structure that's not going to go quietly. You're gonna have to mount your metaphorical machine guns in your metaphorical Toyota pickups. And then see if you can go two weeks without shooting at each other. Metaphorically.Reeeeally tried to make that whole "technicals" metaphor work...Somali warlords are probably not the best historical comparison, but to be fair, it sounds as if this particular branch of DSA has the same trouble as the Greens....they're incompetent. I'm all for social democracy, but folks like this give my worldview a bad name.I was thinking more broadly of an out gunned force finding an effective tool to even things up than specifically Somali warlords, but people's minds go where they go.At this point I'm inclined to believe they're born to lose. I honestly think they like it better than the prospect of having to actually be in charge. It's gonna have to be on Zoomers because they've been left no choice. Plus Boomers are dying and GenX dark or light side generally can't be bothered to give a fuck as is our custom. Sooner rather than later millennials are going to be in charge but just like everything else, only the ones who show up will get to call the shots. GenX seems to have burned our 15 seconds of relevance being nostalgic for shitty playgrounds, rotary phones, and the integrity of cartoons that were literally invented to sell us toys. "...I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." -MLK Jr. Top Shrillland Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 20645 Founded: Apr 12, 2010 Left-wing Utopia

by Shrillland » Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:14 pm

Texas State GOP censures Rep. Tony Gonzales How America Came to This, by Kowani: Racialised Politics, Ideological Media Gaslighting, and What It All Means For The FuturePlebiscite Plaza 2023Confused by the names I use for House districts? Here's a primer!In 1963, Doctor Who taught us all we need to know about politics when a cave woman said, "Old men see no further than tomorrow's meat". Top Free Algerstonia Minister   Posts: 2375 Founded: Jan 16, 2022 Ex-Nation

by Free Algerstonia » Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:16 pm

Shrillland wrote:Texas State GOP censures Rep. Tony Gonzalesgun grabbers must be censured and censored in all cases Z Top Tarsonis Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 26574 Founded: Sep 20, 2017 Democratic Socialists

by Tarsonis » Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:29 pm

San Lumen wrote:Daniel-Franklin wrote:Right....cough DNC cough cough...You clearly have no idea what the DNC actually is.San is shown literal evidence of primary rigging and his response is to *check notes* jump up and down with his fingers in his ear screaming "nah nah nah can't hear you, there's no corruption in ba sing se" Last edited by Tarsonis on Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. NS Keyboard Warrior since 2005 Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow"Galatians 6:7 " Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow."1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?T. Stevens: "I don't hold with equality in all things, but I believe in equality under the Law."James I of Aragon "Have you ever considered that our position is Idolatry to the Rabbi?"Debating Christian Theology with Non-Christians pretty much anybody be like Top El Lazaro Senator   Posts: 3506 Founded: Oct 19, 2021 Left-wing Utopia

by El Lazaro » Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:26 pm

Daniel-Franklin wrote:San Lumen wrote:Political machines like Tammany Hall no longer exist.Right....cough DNC cough cough...Ah yes, the nationwide, cigar-chomping Democratic mob that intimidates voters into showing their ballots and marking them with (D)s, sends enforcers after those who vote incorrectly, counts the votes in smoke-filled rooms, bars anyone from verifying the vote, jams ballot boxes with a cartoonish amount of fake votes, snatches voting-eligible immigrants off the streets, literally buys out the vote of the impoverished electorate, and cracks down on newspapers giving them bad press.Exactly like 19th century political machines. Top Vassenor Khan of Spam   Posts: 66391 Founded: Nov 11, 2010 Left-wing Utopia

by Vassenor » Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:28 pm

El Lazaro wrote:Daniel-Franklin wrote:Right....cough DNC cough cough...Ah yes, the nationwide, cigar-chomping Democratic mob that intimidates voters into showing their ballots and marking them with (D)s, sends enforcers after those who vote incorrectly, counts the votes in smoke-filled rooms, bars anyone from verifying the vote, jams ballot boxes with a cartoonish amount of fake votes, snatches voting-eligible immigrants off the streets, literally buys out the vote of the impoverished electorate, and cracks down on newspapers giving them bad press.Exactly like 19th century political machines.Was the thing about having insiders grow beards in the run up to an election, having them vote then shaving them so they can vote again actually real or just something someone made up as a joke to mock the sheer level of actual corruption involved? Jenny / Sailor AstraeaWOMAN♀MtF trans and proud - She / Her / etc. 100% Asbestos FreeTeam Mystic#iamEUropean"Have you ever had a moment online, when the need to prove someone wrong has outweighed your own self-preservation instincts?" Top San Lumen Post Kaiser   Posts: 79530 Founded: Jul 02, 2009 Liberal Democratic Socialists

by San Lumen » Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:48 pm

Tarsonis wrote:San Lumen wrote:You clearly have no idea what the DNC actually is.San is shown literal evidence of primary rigging and his response is to *check notes* jump up and down with his fingers in his ear screaming "nah nah nah can't hear you, there's no corruption in ba sing se"Were any votes changed? Was anyone prevented from voting? If not the answer is there was no rigging and get over it. Accept that your candidate lost not once but twice. Top American Legionaries Powerbroker   Posts: 8837 Founded: Nov 03, 2021 Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

by American Legionaries » Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:54 pm

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:San is shown literal evidence of primary rigging and his response is to *check notes* jump up and down with his fingers in his ear screaming "nah nah nah can't hear you, there's no corruption in ba sing se"Were any votes changed? Was anyone prevented from voting? If not the answer is there was no rigging and get over it. Accept that your candidate lost not once but twice.You don't think ballot stuffing is rigged? Top San Lumen Post Kaiser   Posts: 79530 Founded: Jul 02, 2009 Liberal Democratic Socialists

by San Lumen » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:13 pm

American Legionaries wrote:San Lumen wrote:Were any votes changed? Was anyone prevented from voting? If not the answer is there was no rigging and get over it. Accept that your candidate lost not once but twice.You don't think ballot stuffing is rigged?I did not say that. Is there any evidence this occurred in the 2016 or 2020 primary? Top Tarsonis Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 26574 Founded: Sep 20, 2017 Democratic Socialists

by Tarsonis » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:23 pm

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:San is shown literal evidence of primary rigging and his response is to *check notes* jump up and down with his fingers in his ear screaming "nah nah nah can't hear you, there's no corruption in ba sing se"Were any votes changed? Was anyone prevented from voting? If not the answer is there was no rigging and get over it. Accept that your candidate lost not once but twice.One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting that DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?" Last edited by Tarsonis on Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. NS Keyboard Warrior since 2005 Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow"Galatians 6:7 " Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow."1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?T. Stevens: "I don't hold with equality in all things, but I believe in equality under the Law."James I of Aragon "Have you ever considered that our position is Idolatry to the Rabbi?"Debating Christian Theology with Non-Christians pretty much anybody be like Top San Lumen Post Kaiser   Posts: 79530 Founded: Jul 02, 2009 Liberal Democratic Socialists

by San Lumen » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:33 pm

Tarsonis wrote:San Lumen wrote:Were any votes changed? Was anyone prevented from voting? If not the answer is there was no rigging and get over it. Accept that your candidate lost not once but twice.One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting thand DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is. Top Ulajhan Envoy   Posts: 231 Founded: Mar 10, 2022 Father Knows Best State

by Ulajhan » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:36 pm

I'm glad that despite being gone for a few months nothing in this thread has truly changed... "Why do you fear? Soon you will not fear. Soon you will not hope. Soon you will not dream. Come with us. The City!TM calls to you, it hears you. it loves you, all that is you is in the City!TM. If you are afraid, we shall listen to it together.""The Magnificent Botanical Garden wishes you a Happy Holiday! and reminds all visitors to leave no child unattended or risk them no longer being your child!""I mourn the Little Caesars that once stood in my home... so many of them are gone forever." Top Tarsonis Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 26574 Founded: Sep 20, 2017 Democratic Socialists

by Tarsonis » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:44 pm

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting thand DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is.Your response to getting called out for lying is to double down on the same lies that just got called out as false. Why are you lying San? why do you deny demonstrable reality, that the US Government, and the DNC you're trying so hard to champion admit happened? why are you lying? Last edited by Tarsonis on Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total. NS Keyboard Warrior since 2005 Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow"Galatians 6:7 " Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow."1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?T. Stevens: "I don't hold with equality in all things, but I believe in equality under the Law."James I of Aragon "Have you ever considered that our position is Idolatry to the Rabbi?"Debating Christian Theology with Non-Christians pretty much anybody be like Top Juristonia Negotiator   Posts: 6026 Founded: Oct 30, 2006 Liberal Democratic Socialists

by Juristonia » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:45 pm

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting thand DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is.You literally said the Dems deserved to lose if Sanders were to win the primary last time, Lumen. Something you did quite a bit of foot stomping about, actually.Also, you're doing the thing Tars said you always do, in reply to a post where he mentions you doing said thing. Last edited by Juristonia on Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total. Damn the man! Save the Empire!Liriena wrote:Say what you will about fascists: they are remarkably consistent even after several decades of failing spectacularly elsewhere.Ifreann wrote:Indeed, as far as I can recall only one poster has ever supported legalising bestiality, and he was fucking his cat and isn't welcome here any more, in no small part, I imagine, because he kept going on about how he was fucking his cat.Cannot think of a name wrote:Anyway, I'm from gold country, we grow up knowing that when people jump up and down shouting "GOLD GOLD GOLD" the gold is gone and the only money to be made is in selling shovels.And it seems to me that cryptocurrency and NFTs and such suddenly have a whooooole lot of shovel salespeople. Top Tarsonis Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 26574 Founded: Sep 20, 2017 Democratic Socialists

by Tarsonis » Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:46 pm ... lment.htmlAnother derailment in Ohio. So glad we killed that strike and the Unions' baseless claims about safety issues, am I right? NS Keyboard Warrior since 2005 Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow"Galatians 6:7 " Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow."1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?T. Stevens: "I don't hold with equality in all things, but I believe in equality under the Law."James I of Aragon "Have you ever considered that our position is Idolatry to the Rabbi?"Debating Christian Theology with Non-Christians pretty much anybody be like Top United States Reborn Envoy   Posts: 210 Founded: Mar 05, 2023 Iron Fist Consumerists

by United States Reborn » Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:20 am

Tarsonis wrote: derailment in Ohio. So glad we killed that strike and the Unions' baseless claims about safety issues, am I right?Has there been a suspicious amount of these derailings recently, or is it just that the chemical-related one drew attention to what is an otherwise fairly regular occurrence? Defender of Truth, Justice, and the American WayZelensky is Iron Man and Putin is Thanos Top Autumn Wind Diplomat   Posts: 880 Founded: Feb 09, 2009 Iron Fist Consumerists

by Autumn Wind » Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:53 am

United States Reborn wrote:Tarsonis wrote: derailment in Ohio. So glad we killed that strike and the Unions' baseless claims about safety issues, am I right?Has there been a suspicious amount of these derailings recently, or is it just that the chemical-related one drew attention to what is an otherwise fairly regular occurrence?I remember reading that there are over 1,000 every year on average, which comes out to ~3 a day. I think everyone is just paying more attention due to the East Palestine one. Your faith does not amuse me. Fundamentalism is a singularly unfunny disposition- A Rightist PuppetIn short, "fascist" is a modern word for "heretic," branding an individual worthy of excommunication from the body politic. The right uses otherwords ("reverse-racist," "feminazi," "unamerican," "communist") for similiar purposes, but these words have less elastic meanings. Fascism, however, is the gift that keeps on giving. - Jonah Goldberg, revisited. Top Duvniask Negotiator   Posts: 6304 Founded: Aug 30, 2012 Left-wing Utopia

by Duvniask » Mon Mar 06, 2023 7:59 am

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting thand DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is.This is like something out of a skit. One of these days, I'm going to burst a blood vessel in my brain. Top Tarsonis Postmaster of the Fleet   Posts: 26574 Founded: Sep 20, 2017 Democratic Socialists

by Tarsonis » Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:36 am

Autumn Wind wrote:United States Reborn wrote:Has there been a suspicious amount of these derailings recently, or is it just that the chemical-related one drew attention to what is an otherwise fairly regular occurrence?I remember reading that there are over 1,000 every year on average, which comes out to ~3 a day. I think everyone is just paying more attention due to the East Palestine one.Perhaps, but that doesn't really make it better imo. 3 derailments a day is ridiculous, and it's even more ridiculous that people are only just beginning to notice, myself included. NS Keyboard Warrior since 2005 Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow"Galatians 6:7 " Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow."1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?T. Stevens: "I don't hold with equality in all things, but I believe in equality under the Law."James I of Aragon "Have you ever considered that our position is Idolatry to the Rabbi?"Debating Christian Theology with Non-Christians pretty much anybody be like Top Des-Bal Post Czar   Posts: 31647 Founded: Jan 24, 2010 Compulsory Consumerist State

by Des-Bal » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:41 am

Tarsonis wrote:One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting that DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"To my knowledge there was never a ruling that the election had been rigged. There was an order granting a motion to dismiss that affirmed the actions the party was accused of would not create a cause of action assuming they were true.That said Hilary Clinton controlled the democratic party as though she'd won the primary before the primary, this was because they owed her money. I don't think anyone is denying this do I'd like to know if San Lumen thinks it's cool to do this- no other question no need to repeat anything- Is it okay for that to happen. Cekoviu wrote:DES-BAL: Introverted, blunt, focused, utilitarian. Hard to read; not verbose online or likely in real life. Places little emphasis on interpersonal relationships, particularly with online strangers for whom the investment would outweigh the returns. Desired perception: Logical, intellectualPublic perception: Neutral-positive - blunt, cold, logical, skilled at debatingMindset: Logos Top Thermodolia Post Kaiser   Posts: 75961 Founded: Oct 07, 2011 Civil Rights Lovefest

by Thermodolia » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:41 am

United States Reborn wrote:Tarsonis wrote: derailment in Ohio. So glad we killed that strike and the Unions' baseless claims about safety issues, am I right?Has there been a suspicious amount of these derailings recently, or is it just that the chemical-related one drew attention to what is an otherwise fairly regular occurrence?Everyone is paying more attention than usual. This happens after a mass shooting and after the balloon incident. Both of which cause people to look more at things that might normally be swept under the radar Male, State Socialist, Cultural Nationalist, Welfare Chauvinist lives somewhere in AZ I'm GAY! Disabled US Military Veteran I'm agent #69 in the Gaystapo! >The Sons of Adam: I'd crown myself monarch... cuz why not? >>Dumb Ideologies: Why not turn yourself into a penguin and build an igloo at the centre of the Earth?>Xovland: I keep getting ads for printer ink. Sometimes, when you get that feeling down there, you have to look at some steamy printer pictures.Click for Da Funies Click Here for RP Info Embassy Program Thermodolian WA MissionRIP Dya Top Thermodolia Post Kaiser   Posts: 75961 Founded: Oct 07, 2011 Civil Rights Lovefest

by Thermodolia » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:45 am

Tarsonis wrote:Autumn Wind wrote:I remember reading that there are over 1,000 every year on average, which comes out to ~3 a day. I think everyone is just paying more attention due to the East Palestine one.Perhaps, but that doesn't really make it better imo. 3 derailments a day is ridiculous, and it's even more ridiculous that people are only just beginning to notice, myself included.Technically it’s far higher than 3 per day. As a lot of derailments don’t get reported.The reason for that though is fairly mundane as the FRA rules state that a derailment happens whenever a wheel leaves the track. So in reality a lot of derailments aren’t even close to entire cars coming off the track but more like a truck bouncing off the track or an axel falling or such like that. Things that can be fixed pretty quickly and aren’t normally noticeable by the public at large but must still be reported. Male, State Socialist, Cultural Nationalist, Welfare Chauvinist lives somewhere in AZ I'm GAY! Disabled US Military Veteran I'm agent #69 in the Gaystapo! >The Sons of Adam: I'd crown myself monarch... cuz why not? >>Dumb Ideologies: Why not turn yourself into a penguin and build an igloo at the centre of the Earth?>Xovland: I keep getting ads for printer ink. Sometimes, when you get that feeling down there, you have to look at some steamy printer pictures.Click for Da Funies Click Here for RP Info Embassy Program Thermodolian WA MissionRIP Dya Top Des-Bal Post Czar   Posts: 31647 Founded: Jan 24, 2010 Compulsory Consumerist State

by Des-Bal » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:48 am

Tarsonis wrote:Perhaps, but that doesn't really make it better imo. 3 derailments a day is ridiculous, and it's even more ridiculous that people are only just beginning to notice, myself included.It's 1700 a year. You've lived your entire life without noticing any, is actually a big deal? How many trains are there? How severe are most derailments? You're saying it's a big number but in relation to what? ... 2942d50ec8 Cekoviu wrote:DES-BAL: Introverted, blunt, focused, utilitarian. Hard to read; not verbose online or likely in real life. Places little emphasis on interpersonal relationships, particularly with online strangers for whom the investment would outweigh the returns. Desired perception: Logical, intellectualPublic perception: Neutral-positive - blunt, cold, logical, skilled at debatingMindset: Logos Top Celritannia Post Marshal   Posts: 16683 Founded: Nov 10, 2010 Civil Rights Lovefest

by Celritannia » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:51 am

San Lumen wrote:Tarsonis wrote:One, let's get this out of the way, its pretty obvious and well known to everyone in this thread that I am not a Sanders supporter by a long shot, so knock off the disengenuous "your candidate lost" nonsense and save everybody some time. Two, there are more ways than voter fraud, to fix an election. You're not naive enough to believe it is, and I know you know it's not, because you spent the last year whinging about republican gerrymandering. you've been shown the head of the DNC admitting thand DWS rigged the whole show for Clinton. and you've been shown a Court of law affirming that the DNC did indeed rig the election, and affirm the DNC's right to do so. Your response has to this has been, to deny reality, get extremely defensive, and tell people to "just get over it.". Essentially the behavior of someone who knows what they're saying is a lie, has been caught in said lie, and is digging in their heels rather then admit they've been caught.One must really ask oneself "why?"There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is.Celritannia wrote:It's not like Therm and I complied a number of sources in the US Gov Thread 9 or anything. Last edited by Celritannia on Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total. My DeviantArtObeyWhen you annoy a CelritannianU W0T M8?Zirkagrad wrote:A person with a penchant for flying lions with long tongues, could possibly be a fan of Kiss. Maybe the classiest nation with a lion with its tongue hanging out. Enjoys only the finest tea.Nakena wrote:NSG's Most Serene SaladImperial Commonwealth of CelritanniaFactbook (restructuring)Embassy ApplicationMarch of the EmpireCitizen of Earth, Commonwealthian, European, British, Yorkshireman. Atheist, Environmentalist, Pansexual, Left-Libertarian. Top Blargoblarg Minister   Posts: 2161 Founded: Sep 06, 2010 Corrupt Dictatorship

by Blargoblarg » Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:58 am

Duvniask wrote:San Lumen wrote:There was no rigging. Accept it and move on. Sometimes candidates you don't like don't win the primary. I don't pout about it and vote for whoever the Democrat who wins the primary is.This is like something out of a skit.Lumen consistently does this, and I'd find it hilarious if it weren't so incredibly annoying that he never learns a thing from it. Last edited by Blargoblarg on Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total. "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." -Dom Helder CamaraDemocrats and Republicans are both right-wing capitalists owned by the rich and the big corporations. Major media in the US is also owned by the rich and big corporations. As George Carlin said: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."I'm still glad that I voted Green last election. Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker 2020"Workers of the world, unite!" -Marx and EngelsMy 8values results My leftvalues resultsI am autistic. Top Topic locked 12476 posts • Page 473 of 500 • 1 ... 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476 ... 500


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